20 February 2024by greatvisory

Strategic Evaluations

📢Starting from August 2024, GREATVISORY will provide services under the framework contract SEA 2023 related to Strategic Evaluations

#Strategic evaluations to be implemented are usually managed by dedicated #evaluation services in the European Commission Headquarters. They are different from evaluations of interventions and are defined as #complex evaluations as they analyse EU policies, strategies, and actions from design to implementation assessing the combined results of all spending (e.g., a portfolio of interventions (projects and programmes)) and non-spending (e.g., policy dialogues) activities over a significant period (temporal scope of usually at least 4 years).

Strategic evaluations can have several scopes, for example:
♦ Evaluations of EU external action support in a country or in a group of countries / region,
♦ Thematic and sectoral evaluations with global coverage or covering a group of countries / region(s),
♦ Evaluations of EU external financing instruments (e.g., NDICI, IPA III),
♦ Evaluations of financial instruments (e.g., blending and guarantees at country/region(s) or instrument level),
♦ Evaluations of implementation modalities (e.g., budget support operations with a country, trust funds at country/region(s) or instrument level),
♦ Evaluations of EU strategic relationship with a given (or typology of) implementing partner (e.g., implementing partners under indirect management),
♦ Evaluations of Joint programming/Team Europe: strategic at country/region(s) or instrument level,
♦ Other types of evaluation assignments (e.g., Meta Evaluations, Systematic Reviews).

🖖 We are very excited about this framework contract as it falls directly into our core competencies: #evaluations, #impact assessments, #studies and #analyses which we successfully develop over last years.

🖖 We are sure that our services together with our esteemed partners like Verian Group, PPMI, DT Global, ESTEP and ICF, will successfully contribute to monitoring and planning of EU policies.

🖖 If you are interested in working with us, please write us and send your cv to info(at)greatvisory.com