10 May 2024by greatvisory

GREATVISORY analyses Work Based Learning systems

πŸ–– During the last few decades, interest and participation in #WBL in Europe has steadily increased, either in response to national and European policy-level targets and priorities, or as a natural reflection of the changing nature of the #workforce and the workplace, with ever increasing use of new technologies, internationalisation, and importance of the knowledge economy.

πŸ–– The European Training Foundation has played a key role in the sharing of best practices and has actively supported the inclusion of the partner countries’ stakeholders – ministries, VET agencies, chambers of commerce, trade unions and companies – in the #EAfA since 2016. Through their membership in the EAfA, assistance is provided to the EU candidate countries, including the five countries covered by this assignment.

GREATVISORY was appointed by ETF to produce five concise country analyses through desk research, mapping the existing #WBL initiatives and present the main results to the key stakeholders in #Albania, #NorthMacedonia, #Montenegro, #Serbia and #Georgia.

The #mapping and #analysis will include for each country:
πŸ‘‰ The overall framework for work-based learning (strategies; policy dialogue and the role of actors at national level; legal framework);
πŸ‘‰ Work-based learning in initial VET
πŸ‘‰ Work-based learning in continuing VET
πŸ‘‰ Work-based learning in Active Labour Market Programmes (ALMPs)

We have started the activities in February 2024 and have currently reached the interim phase of the study when all draft reports are ready and undergoing GV’s quality assurance process.

The study will last until November 2024.