Tag: Research

Presentation of country developments of research study: “Inventory on Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning (VNFIL) in the ETF Partner Countries”

In April 2023, the team of GREATVISORY, 3s Research and Consulting and GREATVISORY’s country experts, during the meeting with ETF, presented the stage of VNFIL developments in 11 ETF...

Final dissemination event of research study: “Analysing the skills dimension of technology transfer in the Western Balkans economies”

On 30 March 2023, the final online dissemination event called: “Western Balkans technology transfer skills study” was held. It gathered above 70 people from the education, skills, innovation and...

GREATVISORY successfully finished the regional mapping for DARYA project

DARYA (Dialogue and Action for Resourceful Youth in Central Asia) is the first EU-funded regional project to focus entirely on measures that support inclusive and labour market relevant skills...

GREATVISORY will analyze new forms of work and platform work in SEMED countries

In February 2023, GREATVISORY will start implementation of a study on new forms of work and platform work in the SEMED region as opportunities for youth and women’s employment....

GREATVISORY completed qualitative and quantitative research for the study: “Analysing the skills dimension of technology transfer in the Western Balkans economies”.

GREATVISORY started activities in this study for ETF in September 2022 with thorough desk research, literature review and documents analysis of technology transfer ecosystem in six Balkans’ economies: North...

GREATVISORY will analyse national systems of technology transfer in Western Balkans’ economies

In August this year, the offer presented by GV was selected for implementation and on 9 September, during a kick-off meeting with the European Training Foundation, we have started...

GREATVISORY supports European Training Foundation in implementing research and studies related to ETF’s practice areas: improving skills, promoting employability, making systems work for everyone and working for a global Europe

Specialised research and studies are going to be procured by ETF within the framework contract “Human Capital Development Expertise Services – Lot 2”, which was recently signed by the...

GREATVISORY analyzed Czech education system

In September 2021, GREATVISORY completed the study on analyzing education system in Czech Republic. The study research design covered qualitative methods like a literature review, national and policy research...

Comprehensive case study on the national communication efforts related to CAP in the Czech Republic

During last 2 months, GREATVISORY was working on the case study related to communication of the EU Agricultural Policy in the Czech Republic. Besides the desk study which encompassed...