29 September 2023by greatvisory

Implementing a Technical Assistance project in Central Asia

Since July this year, GREATVISORY has been providing technical assistance to the ETF’s DARYA action related to collaboration and engagement of the national stakeholders in the five Central Asia countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan).

The assignment is organised under three thematic areas:
1️⃣ Evidence for skills needs – Better evidence and analysis of education and training outcomes and skills needs which support forward looking and gender sensitive skills development policies and employment services.
2️⃣ Qualifications system development – Stakeholder-driven developments that support quality competences, skills and qualifications that are accessible to all.
3️⃣ Teaching and Learning – Flexible and inclusive teaching and learning, based on learning outcomes and relevant to the labour market.

The DARYA project foresees the following stages of engagement modalities:
➡ Familiarisation, i.e. basic capacity building on key elements covered within the thematic areas, including also an introduction to EU level tools where relevant;
➡ Capacity building/Peer learning programmes on specific thematic domains, to be delivered with the participation of peer organisations from the EU Member States and/or countries of the Eastern Partnership, the Western Balkans and Turkey and the development partner community;
➡ Pilot projects, to demonstrate how tools and methods can be used in the context of partner countries.

Because of the different areas and engagement modalities, DARYA involves many stakeholders from the five Central Asian countries. Additionally, the shared interest in peer learning and multi-country work shall result in the cooperation among stakeholders from different countries across the three thematic areas mentioned above.

In order to work comprehensively in the structured thematic dialogue, GREATVISORY was appointed to establish, coordinate and support the network of 12 country facilitators (per thematic areas in each country).

Now, when the inception period is over, full GREATVISORY’s services are in place, and we look forward to adapting our further activities to the DARYA action calendar.

GREATVISORY is the sole implementer of this technical assistance project.

🔗 For more details, see the DARYA website: https://lnkd.in/dr8gCsAn