Under the ETF Skills for Enterprise Development initiative, GREATVISORY has been supporting the ETF and the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office in Albania in the implementation of the project “Skills for Smart Specialisation in Albania”.
The project is looking at technology and skills needs in the three identified priority areas for smart specialisation in Albania in order to formulate:
✔ a vision for technology and skills, and
✔ a roadmap for skills development with concrete measures.
This is done to support the development of the following priority domains: 1️⃣ Renewable energy and natural resources, 2️⃣ Sustainable and diversified tourism, 3️⃣ Healthy and sustainable food chain.
For each priority domain, GREATVISORY’s analysis is focusing on skills, which means that the foreseen changes in technology, production methods, and work organisation are considered from the perspective of skills, that is:
🔎 how those changes may affect the demand for skills,
🔎 what types of skills are needed to enable those changes,
🔎 how to ensure the provision of appropriate skills.
In particular, an important source of primary data aimed at complementing the insights from desk research and literature reviews will be the focus groups, with participation of policy makers, companies, business intermediary organisations, education and training institutions, and research and innovation institutions.
This technical assistance project will run until June 2024.
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