15 December 2020by greatvisory

GREATVISORY awarded Interinstitutional Multiple Framework Contract for Impact Assessment, Evaluations and Evaluation-related Studies

Great news came in December to GREATVISORY. Partnering as an officially named subcontractor with PPMI in lot 1 and Ecorys in Lot 2 and 3, the consortium was awarded the “Interinstitutional Multiple Framework Contracts for Impact Assessments, Evaluations and Evaluation-related Studies and Services in the Field of Communication”.

This award is a result of the consortium’s intensive work on the tender during the summer. We would like to thank all partners and experts for your great contribution to this effect.

The framework contracts enter into force in December 2020 and will last for next 48 months. The lots concern the following:

– Lot 1: Evaluations (i.e. interim, ex-post evaluations, fitness checks and meta-evaluations) and other evaluation-related studies in the field of communication activities

– Lot 2: Development and/or Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation Tools and Services

– Lot 3: Impact assessments, ex-ante evaluations and other preparatory studies in the field of communication activities.

We are looking forward to working with you on the specific requests for services.